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The Independent Observer > News > Toyota Zambia partners with Kitwe council

Toyota Zambia partners with Kitwe council

Toyota Zambia and Kitwe City Council have partnered to make the city look better.

The partnership would see Toyota Zambia implement ate a community support project involving planting of trees, grass and landscaping activities in line with the vision of Kitwe Council to make the city environmentally clean.

The pledge is contained in the letter addressed to the Mayor and signed by Gilbert Mfuya, General Manager – Copperbelt.

The move follows a commitment the company formally made to the Council in May this year to undertake landscaping, planting of trees and grass on the island in front of the firm’s office in the industrial area.

The coverage area extends to the Buchi traffic lights.

Kitwe mayor Christopher Kang’ombe commended Toyota Zambia for adopting the island in order to improve the appearance.

Mr Kang’ombe said Kitwe Council appreciated gestures from the corporate world aimed at supplementing the developmental programmes by the local authority.

“We are indebted to Toyota Zambia for the initiative demonstrated to partner with Kitwe City Council in fostering the city’s developmental agenda that includes our environment. In the same token l wish to encourage other companies in Kitwe to emulate what Toyota Zambia has put on the table to beautify our city,” he said.

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