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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Toyota Zambia gives Chingola police a car

Toyota Zambia gives Chingola police a car

By Bwale Mutanuka
Toyota Zambia has donated a vehicle to Zambia Police in Chingola to improve the mobility of the officers.

Chingola is in security crisis and the Chingola Lawmaker Matthew Nkhuwa has already given out his personal Hilux to Chingola police to respond to crisis in time.

Mr Nkhuwa felt, a lone car he donated wasn’t enough, then he lobbied for another from Toyota Zambia.

After a fruitful lobbying, Toyota Zambia advised Chingola MP to tell the Inspector General of Police to write to Toyota Zambia asking for a car.

And yesterday Copperbelt Regional General Manager for Toyota Zambia Gilbert Mfuya handed over the Toyota  Hilux to Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo in Chingola.

Present at the handover was the Lobbyist himself Matthew Nkuwa who is also Energy Minister.

Zambia Police was represented by Deputy Inspector General of Police Bonny Kapeso who was accompanied by Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga.

Both Ministers thanked Toyota Zambia for the donation of the vehicle.

Mr Nkhuwa implored other stakeholders to come on board and donate vehicles to police so that they can respond quickly to emergences.

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