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Toll gates, economically draining commuters-Chililabombwe ex-mayor

By Staff Writer
Former Chililabombwe Mayor Paul Kabuswe says the toll gates are an economic drain on Zambian commuters.

Mr Kabuswe who is a member of the ruling PF has advised President Edgar Lungu to consider flexing toll fees for Zambians that may pass on one toll gates more than once per day for none business trips.

He told The Independent Observer that commuters are greatly affected by unfriendly tolling fees which are demanded each time they pass through the toll gate.

“In as much as tolling is good initiative but if they become an economic inconvenience to the indigenous, they will not be appreciated. Equally tolling mounts for the locals are high. Our people pay road tax, fitness for their vehicles to move on these roads and slapping them with further high tolling fees is burdening to them economically.

“Mr President our people should not feel like it is punishment to own a car. I know you are a listening leader, please lessen the burden of your people. We can also have flexible payment arrangements for commuters at toll gates, this will discourage economic migration,” he said.

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