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The Independent Observer > OS > There is need to regulate political advertisements

There is need to regulate political advertisements

Dear Editor,

There is a need for democratic countries worldwide to introduce pieces of legislation designed to require all political advertisements executed through the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards, flyers, and banners to be expressly endorsed by candidates, political parties or alliances seeking citizens’ votes during elections.

In other words, the pieces of legislation should prohibit third parties from sponsoring political advertisements against an individual, political party or alliance which would not be endorsed by their preferred individual or political party.

Such pieces of legislation would be needed to dissuade third par-ties from making dubious, misleading or false statements during political campaigns about individuals seeking to be elected to a public position, for example, by adding the following to any existing electoral laws:

“Individuals, civic leaders, political leaders, or media personnel who will advertise, publish or circulate messages designed to promote a political party, alliance or candidate for elective pub-lic office will have all their messages ratified in person by the candidate or party’s representative at the beginning or end of the messages as follows: ‘My name is …, and I approve this message.’”

The pieces of legislation should prescribe the nature and extent of punishment that would be meted against violators.

Henry Kyambalesa-USA

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