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The Independent Observer > News > The poor must be helped to access land-Bwana Mkubwa MP

The poor must be helped to access land-Bwana Mkubwa MP

Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda says the poor residents of his constituency must be helped to access land in line with PF pro-poor manifesto.

Dr Chanda said there are many land disputes in Chichele, Munkulungwe, Twashuka, Itawa and Mushili wards of Bwana Mkubwa which have been caused by unscrupulous illegal land dealers.

He said the illegal land dealers are demarcating and selling land in a haphazard and unplanned manner to vulnerable poor residents who have lost money in the process.

“This has resulted in very serious land disputes among residents. Together with the Mayor of Ndola Amon Chisenga, Town Clerk Wisdom Bwalya and Director of City Planning from Ndola City Council, we have addressed hundreds of affected residents in these areas to ensure they can legally own land and be protected from exploitation by land cartels.

“Residents who have lived in these areas for many years before they were degazetted should have their land ownership status legalised by local authorities at affordable rates, and others who need to acquire land must be helped to do so in line with the PF government’s pro-poor approach. In addition to Ndola City Council, I’m also working with Ministry of Lands, the Department of Resettlement under the Vice President’s Office, and First Quantum Minerals (FQM), former owners of the closed Bwana Mkubwa Copper mine, to help poor residents acquire land legally and affordably,” he said.

The Law Maker reassured all affected people duped by illegal land dealers that Justice will be done so that they acquire land legally with ownership papers at affordable rates.

He implored Ndola City Council, Ministry of Lands, the Department of Resettlement and private companies like FQM and others to help the poor residents acquire land legally and affordably in line with the Patriotic Front government’s pro-poor approach.

“I’m hopeful that Ministry of Lands will be finalising the National Land Policy soon which should empower Zambians to easily own land as their sovereign right.  I’m also appealing to Zambia Police and other investigative wings to enforce the law against illegal land cartels who must be arrested and prosecuted so that the poor people are protected from their scams.

“I will be making a big announcement soon concerning the earlier planned demolition of a school at Old Regiment township which was stopped so that the over 500 pupils can continue to attend school,” he said.


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