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The Independent Observer > OS > The people you need to have in your inner circle 

The people you need to have in your inner circle 

By Rev Clifford Chisha
The composition of the people who are in your inner circle as a leader matters a lot.

Your inner circle can either make you or break you.

Avoid surrounding yourself with people who are ‘just like you’.

√ You need to have the following people in your inner circle:
– those you love
– those who love you
– those who believe in you.

√ Why do you need such kind of people?
– Those who genuinely love you are usually ready to risk their lives or go an extra mile just to see you accomplish your mission.
You need risk takers.
Simon Peter is a good example.
These are the best people to give big assignments.
They will strive not to disappoint you.

– The people you love usually make themselves available to you as a consequence of enjoying your affection.
Sometimes the people you love may take advantage of you.You need to know how to handle them and you will benefit a lot from them.
You can shape them and turn them into great co-workers and handlers of sensitive issues.
The disciple John is a good example.

– Those who believe in you may not even be among your favourites but can sincerely encourage you and are ready to see you succeed without fighting for recognition.
You need people who work silently but effectively and efficiently.

They follow you because they believe in you.
The disciple James is a good example.

You may not agree in everything with such people but they can be of great help.

√ Who were in Jesus’s inner circle?

“And He allowed no one to go with Him [as witnesses], except Peter and James and John the brother of James.”
Mark 5:37

Jesus took Peter,James and John to Jairus’s home where He raised the synagogue ruler’s daughter from the dead.

– The disciples who witnessed the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus were Peter,James and John.Check Mark 9:2-4

– When Jesus went with His disciples to a place called Gethsemane to pray,He left the other disciples at a certain point and took Peter,James and John along with Him.Check Mark 14:32-33.

It suffice to suggest that Peter,James and John had a special close relationship with Jesus.They were in Jesus’s inner circle.

√ John is said to be the disciple Jesus loved.Read John 21:20-24,John 19:26,John 20:2 and John 21:7)
Note: the fact that Jesus loved John does not mean He didn’t love the other disciples.He did love them but shared a unique bond with John.

It was this disciple Jesus gave the responsibility of taking care of His mother before He died.John 19:26-27.

√ Peter was a disciple who proved through his zeal and actions that he loved Jesus and was willing to ‘defend’ his master.
John 18:10.

Is the composition of your inner circle balanced?

Judas was among the twelve disciples but he was not among those who were in Jesus’s inner circle.

Not everyone should be in your inner circle.

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