The Pave Zambia Road Project has finally re-started on selected township gravel roads in Mushili, Ndeke, Itawa and Mackenzie townships of Bwana Mkubwa Constituency.
The Pave Zambia Road Project started in November 2017 with the Road Development Agency (RDA) working with local Zambian contractors FROG limited and VIRGIN SERVICES Limited. The Pave Zambia Road project should have been completed within two to three months, that is by February 2018.
Bwana Mkubwa Constituency Member of Parliament, Jonas Chanda said RDA was unable to supply the local contractors with the PAVERS despite the contractors doing 90% of road works by May 2018. There are also outstanding payments to the local contractors who employ over 100 of our local youths.
Dr Chanda said within the next two to three weeks, FROG limited will be completing construction works on Mporokoso and Lunga gravel roads in Mushili township and VIRGIN SERVICES Limited will be finalising construction works on Bwalo, Mafunde, Mapange, Fyakale and Kalukungu roads in Ndeke township; Buchetekelo, Kafironda and Mwenda roads in Itawa township; and Mackenzie gravel road in Mackenzie (Makense) township.

He has urged RDA to consistently supply the contractors with the pavers as per contractual agreement, and to settle their outstanding payments.
“I want to thank the Patriotic Front (PF) government for prioritizing road infrastructure construction in Bwana Mkubwa Constituency as a prerequisite to development. I also wish to inform residents in the constituency that I’m lobbying for construction of more roads through the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Local Government,” he said.