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The Independent Observer > News > Temwanji Musonda is Chililabombwe Junior Mayor

Temwanji Musonda is Chililabombwe Junior Mayor

Muleya Secondary School Grade 11 pupil Temwanji Musonda has been elected as Chililabombwe Junior Mayor Completion project.

The project is Chililabombwe Council initiative aimed at educating learners about the role of civil leaders in society as well as citizens in the community.

The project saw pupils from five schools of Chililabombwe battling it out in the battle of the brains in debates and essay writing with topics on waste management ‘My waste, my responsibility’,’ The role of civic leaders in our communities in mitigating climate change.

Speaking after being elected, Mr Musonda pledged to sensitize and educate his fellow pupils on climate change and waste management as it is everyone’s responsibility.

He said the project was a good empowerment for young people to work with their civic and government leaders in the community.

“The platform that has been created for young people through his office of the Junior Mayor will enhance participation of young people in governance issues. Young people should know that waste management starts from individual homes before it can even be spread into school premises.

“The introduction of recycling plants can be vital to avoid burning rubbish that is accumulated in homes and other business premises. This is to avoid damaging the ozone layer resulting into climate change,” he said.

And Miteta ward Councillor Michael Namindo sensitized to the pupils on the role of civic leaders and how they can work together with the pupils and other citizens in the community.

Mr Namindo said the Councillors bridges the gap between the community and the government by presenting peoples concern to the relevant authorities.

The Junior Mayor walked away with K2, 500 for his school fees and other school items, uniform, shoes, books, mathematical set and socks.

His Deputy Mayor Fredrick Mwansa from Chililabombwe Secondary school also walked away with K2, 000 also for his school fees and other school items.

The office of the Junior Mayor has also been allocated K5, 000 for a community project which they are yet to unveil to benefit all the youths in the district.


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