Blog Post

Task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership

…a pair that should be kept a pair By Rev Clifford Chisha For an organisation to perform well and that good performance to be sustained, balanced leadership is cardinal. Balanced leadership is a combination of both task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership. Task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership is a pair that should be kept a pair for balanced […]

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Uniting to do wrong things

By Rev Clifford Chisha Unity is good but it is only good when it is not for a wrong reason. Sometimes we get blinded by our ambitions and join forces with wrong people to fight against good. Yes, we unite for wrong reasons. Frustration, if not well managed, may slowly cause a person to slide […]

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Behind the veil of your elevation

By Rev Clifford Chisha Most of the times we look at the rough patches Joseph went through, we focus so much on his elevation and not the purpose of it. Of course, Joseph benefited from his elevation, but God was looking at a bigger picture, the saving of many lives. “But Joseph said to them, […]

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When leadership is tested

By Rev Clifford Chisha Key Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 3:4-8: The greatest tests of a leaders’ maturity and suitability for leadership are praise and criticism. If you want to have a glimpse into a leaders maturity levels, check how they handle praise and criticism. Paul, when addressing the divisions at the church in Corinth, made very […]

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