Blog Post

Be careful, some are hired to mislead

By Rev Clifford Chisha After making several failed attempts to cause Nehemiah and his team to stop rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and the temple, Tobiah and Sanballat hired Shemaiah to mislead Nehemiah. Though not much is known about him, Shemaiah was most likely a priest and was an insider, he was part of Jerusalem. […]

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He will cause them to remember you

By Rev Clifford Chisha He was falsely implicated and imprisoned in a foreign land. An innocent prisoner without relatives to visit him, life must have been very difficult for Joseph. Two people, whose names are not mentioned but described by their previous occupation were confined in the same prison with Joseph. The chief cupbearer and […]

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Understanding the times

By Rev Clifford Chisha It is a rare but very important ability; understanding the times and knowing what needs to be done. Inability to understand the times and seasons has cost many, especially leaders. If one fails to read the times, they risk misleading themselves and others. Failure to understand the times and seasons can […]

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Maintaining a good relationship before and after parting company

By Rev Clifford Chisha There are times in life when parting company becomes necessary. Maintaining sound relationships when separation takes place is very important. There are various reasons why people part company. Some part company because of termination of contract, being fired, conflicts or disagreements, opportunities, growth or promotion. Whatever causes the separation, maintaining sound […]

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