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NDC: party of indiscipline PF members-Musukwa

By JOHN SAKALA Chililabombwe Member of Parliament Richard Musukwa says the de-registered National Democratic Congress was a party formed by indiscipline members from the ruling PF. Making an appeal to Chishimba Kambwili during his community meeting in Kakoso yesterday, Mr Musukwa implored Mr Kambwili the leader of the de-registered NDC, to rejoin the ruling PF. […]

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PF wins Lubwa to silence noisy NDC

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has retained the Lubwa ward seat in the just ended by-election. PF candidate Juilus Kaunda polled 1215 beating two other contenders from the United Party for National Development (UPND) Brian Mwewa and National Democratic Congress Party (NDC) Jonathan Banda UPND got 510 votes while NDC’S candidate had […]

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Lubwa polls will bury PF-NDC

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA Opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Copperbelt Chairman Chipoka Mulenga says victory in Lubwa by-election will bury the PF on the Copperbelt. Mr Mulenga said that victory in Lubwa ward will also prove that NDC victory in Roan constituency was not a fluke but the beginning of the end for the PF. He […]

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