Blog Post

DMMU aids 75-year-old of Mazabuka

The Office of the Vice President through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit – DMMU has come to the aid of a 75-year old woman of Mazabuka District who appealed for assistance from well-wishers for her treatment and food supplies. Esther Musole Silunda of Habwato village in Mwanachingwala’s Chiefdom has just been crawling for the […]

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Govt provides US$40, 000 grant to a Chibombo agro-processing company

The Government has provided US$40,000 as a special grant under the Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Kafue Sub-Basin Project (SCRiKA) to enable MKP Farms to complete the construction of an agro-processing plant. The SCRiKA Project falls under the National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU) in the Ministry of National Development Planning. Minister of National Development Planning […]

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Grade 12 pupil drowns in Chikankata

By ALICE NACHIEMBE A 17-year-old boy, grade 12 pupil at Chikankata Boarding High School drowned in Chikankata dam while swimming with his friends. Acting Police Spokesperson Danny Mwale said that the victim together with two of his friends who are also grade 12 pupils at the same school went for a swim at Chikankata dam. […]

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Man survives, after train ran him over

By ALICE NACHILEMBE A 32-year- old man of Mazabuka has survived with injuries after he was ran over by a goods train. Police Spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo said the victim sustained a broken right leg and general body pains. Ms Katongo said police visited the scene of accident and suspected the victim to have been […]

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One person dies in Mazabuka RTA

By JOHN SAKALA One person has died while five others sustained injuries in an accident which happened in Mazabuka. Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said the accident happened when Tabo Mwananyambe 21, lost control of Toyota Prado Landcruiser registration number BAP 9705 he was driving. Ms Katongo said Mwananyambe of Lusaka’s Libala Township was from […]

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5 die in Mazabuka road accident

By JOHN SAKALA Five people have died on the spot while three others sustained serious injuries when the vehicle they were in had breaks failure thereby hitting into the rear of another truck. Involved was Lawrence Mweene 28, of Highlanders in Mazabuka who was driving a Higher Light Truck registration number BAB 233B from west […]

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3 attacked by a Leopard in Mazabuka

By ALICE NACHILEMBE Three people have been attacked by a wild Leopard at Makoye area in Mazabuka.   The three sustained multiple injuries on their bodies in the incident that occurred on November 11, 2019 around 1700. Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo identified the victims as Oliver Moonga 19, Clever Kandesha 27 and Copson Chisuta 38 […]

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