Blog Post

LAZ joins Sangwa’s petition

By CHARLES TEMBO The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has applied to join a petition in which Constitutional lawyer John Sangwa seeks an order which will compel the Finance minister to put in place measures to ensure that the judiciary is financially independent. Lawyer John Sangwa petitioned the Constitutional Court wanting it to compel the […]

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LAZ welcomes ‘pay back’ Concourt ruling

By JOHN SAKALA The Law Association of Zambia has welcomed the ruling by the Constitution Court which ruled that all Ministers and their deputies who stayed in office illegally in 20116 must pay back. LAZ Press statement Dated 09th December 2020 on the ruling on assessment by the register of the constitution Court involving the […]

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LAZ dismayed by the push for Bill 10

By Thulasizwe Tembo The Law Association of Zambia President Abyadi Shonga says a constitution should never suffer amendments on political lines. Mr Shonga said LAZ is dismayed that notwithstanding the lack of consensus, the Bill will go for a second reading in Parliament. In a media statement, Mr Shonga said LAZ still believes that there […]

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