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DP Spokesperson in high spirit

By JOHN SAKALA Democratic Party (DP) Spokesperson Judith Kabemba is in high spirit at Kitwe’s Riverside Police cells. Ms Kabemba was arrested on Saturday, January 25, with 21 other DP members when they had a private meeting at 95 Buchi Street. Speaking with The Independent Observer from the cells yesterday, when National Democratic Congress (NDC) […]

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DP Spokesperson, 21 others arrested

By JOHN SAKALA The Democratic Party (DP) Spokesperson Judith Kabemba together with 21 other DP members have been arrested for unlawful assembly. Coppperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga says the 22 were arrested around 12:00 hrs today January 25, 2020 for unlawful assembly. Ms Katanga said Riverside Police had received a report that DP members were […]

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NDC welcomes Mawere dismissal

By Nchimunya Miyoba National Democratic Party (NDC) has welcomed the firing of Youth, Sport and Child Development Minister Moses Mawere as the country has not seen any improvement of youth sport activities. NDC Deputy Spokesperson Saboi Imboela said the party is of the view that Mr Mawere failed lamentably to run the Ministry particularly in […]

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It’s not Kabemba, Kaka speaks out

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA Former Democratic Party (DP) President Gift Kalumba has rubbished assertions that his decision to leave his party and rejoin the PF was due to power struggle with the party Spokeperson Judith Kabemba. Mr Kalumba said the decision to leave DP was not influenced by any person as the decision was made by […]

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