Blog Post

Zambia’s GBV sour-Police

By NAMUTENGA SAKAPILA Zambia has recorded souring Gender Based Violence GBV) statistics standing at an amazing figure of 6, 114. The 6,114 cases of GBV countrywide were recorded during the third quarter of 2018. This is a staggering increase by 1, 018 from the 5,096 cases recorded during the same period in 2017, showing an […]

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Tax is forcing investors to invest outside ZCCZ

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA Zambia China Economic and Trade Zone says the change of taxation policies in the country has promoted investors to invest out side the Multi Facility Economic Zone. ZCCZ Corporate Affairs Manager Stephen Lindunda said the policies  are no longer favourable to companies that wish to invest within the country as they are […]

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Police body in Sesheke exhumed

Zambia Police in Western Province today exhumed the body of a female Police Officer Caroline Chembwe, 29, who was initially reported missing and later discovered dead and buried in a shallow grave. The body has since been buried after postmortem was conducted on site as it was found in a decomposed state. Further investigations have […]

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Dad in Choma impregnants biological daughter

By JOHN SAKALA Police in Choma have arrested a 41-year-old father for impregnating his own biological daughter. Southern Police Chief Bobby Kapeso has confirmed the arrest of Hastings Siambulo in an interview with The Independent Observer. Mr Kapeso said Siambulo of Maleba Settlement Farm is alleged to have had carnal knowledge of his daughter, 16. […]

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Irish abortion referendum voting opens

Polls are open in the referendum on the Republic of Ireland’s abortion laws. The vote will decide whether to repeal a part of the constitution, known as the Eighth Amendment, which effectively bans terminations in the country. Currently, abortion is only allowed when a woman’s life is at risk, but not in cases of rape, […]

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