Blog Post

87 test positive at Ministry of Works

By CHINOYI CHIPULU Ministry of Works and Supply has recorded 87 positive cases of Corona Virus after a voluntary mass testing. Out of the 137 tests, 87 were positive, 18 were negative, 26 were inconclusive and six are pending. This came to light when a report was released to the ministry by the Zambia National […]

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Leaders are not helping matters over Covid-19

Dear Editor, I write with disgust on how our elected leaders have become conduits to the spread of Covid-19 in our country for their political mileage. It was very unfortunate that the opening of Chawama fly over bridge by President Lungu over the weekend has exposed our leaders for their indiscriminately enforcing Covid-19 guidelines in […]

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CBU manufacturers hand Sanitizer

By Staff WriterManufactured by the Copperbelt University (CBU), Zamgiene hand sanitizer is now available on the Zambian market. Great and relevant initiative by CBU, this is as it should be. Our institutions of Higher Education ought to come up with practical solutions and ideas to our challenges.

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Chingola Head Teachers levying Covid-19 fees

By Staff Writer Chingola Head Teachers Support team is asking for K1, 000 from each school as money to be used to disinfect schools. This is against the memo from Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary dated March 30, 2020. Despite this memo above from General Education Permanent Secretary Dr Jobbicks Kalumba, the Head Teachers’ […]

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