Blog Post

Choppies posts profit amid Covid-19

By JOHN SAKALA Choppies Enterprises Limited (CEL), the Botswana-grown supermarket chain, has posted profit for the year to June 2020 from its continuing southern African businesses in Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Despite COVID-19, which is estimated to have cost CEL BWP190m in revenue, CEL managed to increase its revenue by 1% to BWP5, 421 […]

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No truck should park in CBD, Mwaiseni-Chingola Mayor

By JOHN SAKALA Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo says Chingola Municipal Council will not allow any truck to park in central district business (CBD) and second class in Mwaiseni. This was after reports of illicit activities happening around areas where truck drivers park their trucks. Mr Tembo said truckers were spiking prostitution activities along David Kaunda […]

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Is Lusaka headed for a mall apocalypse?

By Changwe Kabwe It’s another quarter and so another shopping mall is expected to open in Lusaka. In the second quarter of 2019, the elegant Novarre Pinnacle opened in Woodlands area at the corner of Chindo and Mutende roads. This is a 10,000-square metre Mall that should accommodate 40 commercial retail outlets from supermarket, food […]

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14 UCZ choir members cheat death

By ALICE NACHILEMBE 14 Choir members of St Marks congregation in Chilenge were involved in a road traffic accident  after the Minibus they were travelling in lost control. One person escaped with injuries while 13 other members of a choir escaped unhurt.. University Teaching Hospital Public Relations Officer Natalie Mashikolo confirmed in a statement to […]

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