Blog Post

The Independent Observer >

New Chingola DC Agnes Tonga seems candid

Dear Editor, Firstly I write to congratulate the newly appointed Chingola District Commissioner Agnes Tonga on her appointment. It is a plus that another woman has taken up the mantle from the predecessor and this should be enough cause to make women happy as they lobby government to appoint more women in positions of authority. […]

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All Chingola neighbourhood watch groups withdrawn

By ALICE NACHILEMBECopperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga has withdrawn all neighborhood watch groups in Chingola for security reasons. Speaking on Kokoliko Radio, Ms Katanga said that she is suspicious that some members of the neighbourhood watch could be behind the gassing. She said the idea of withdrawing neighbourhood watches from the street was to help […]

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All Chingola neighbourhood watch groups withdrawn

By ALICE NACHILEMBECopperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga has withdrawn all neighborhood watch groups in Chingola for security reasons. Speaking on Kokoliko Radio, Ms Katanga said that she is suspicious that some members of the neighbourhood watch could be behind the gassing. He said the idea of withdrawing neighbourhood watches from the street was to help […]

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Curfew hits Chingola

By JOHN SAKALA Home Affairs Ministers Stephen Kampyongo says night movements in Chingola has been restricted to improve policing of the district. And Mr Kampyongo has warned any media making inciting remarks on Chingola volatile situation that it will face the full wrath of the law and it will be prosecuted. Meanwhile, Defence Minister Davies […]

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