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Francis Temba was right-ZCCM Section Engineer

Dear Editor, Allow me to comment on Francis Temba’s observations on Jack Kalala’s statement over the sale of Konkola Copper Mines  (KCM). I’m a former ZCCM Employee and I was responsible for mineral movement for the entire congramerate working as a Section Engineer. Mr Temba is absolutely right. We should change our mindset in this […]

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Will be Streaming Live on KCM liquidation

By Staff Writer The Independent Observer will be Streaming Live on its Facebook Page about community perception on Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) liquidation today June 14, 2019. In our first episode, we will host Chingola resident Derricky Chilundika on the subject. The program will be between 10:00 hrs and 10:30 hrs. You Facebook comments will […]

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