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Tablet arrested for brandishing gun

Police in Chingola have arrested a well-known leader for small scale miners Maxwell Mofya commonly known as Tablet for brandishing guns.

On December 28, 2019, Tablet was seen in a video circulating on social media where he was playing with an armed riffle and a short Gun.

In another video, he is seen speaking against one government official.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga said Tablet 31, of 22-6th Street Nchanga South has been changed with conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

Ms Katanga said police will not allow gangsterism on the Copperbelt.

She said that on the video Tablet was seen in a garage getting his short gun-armsan from the suitcase from his vehcele.

Ms Katanga said the suspect then loaded some pallets in the same rifle and fired some shots on the ground.

She said then Tablet took his star pistol which he had twenty bullets in it and concealed it in his waistband.

“Police has instituted investigations and the suspect is in custody and the Armsan shot gun with 10 pallets have been and a star pistol with 21 bullets have been recovered,” she said.

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