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Sustainability rest upon empowered women

Chingola Business Woman Mushimbwe Gardner says women have a crucial role to play in achieving gender equality as sustainability rests upon empowered, fulfilled and happy women.

Ms Gardner who gave a motivation talk to women during Women’s day celebrations said Women have more influence and power than most people realise or care to admit.

She said women possess significant influence on the direction that society takes.

“This is why we must place significance and importance on the empowerment of all women and girls. Empowered women, raise empowered families in which the children also inherit the same values of equality and equity, and the cycle continues this cycle is what ensures sustainability,” she said.

Ms Gardner said this year’s theme ‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow’ is about empowering both genders, so that everyone can contribute to society’s welfare effectively.

She urged women to be productive and connect with other women through positive networking so as to achieve much more together than alone.

And speaking during the same occasion as Guest of Honor Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi said women should not be looked down upon as helpers but rather partners in National Development.

Mr Chimupi said women are equally gifted as men and they do better in decision making.
He implored men to stop gender based violence against women as no man can stand and succeed alone without a woman.

The DC said that women are fully able and can rise to every challenge.

And Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe said that the Government gives great priority to women as they understand the key role their play at family and National level.

Mr Kang’ombe said that the empowerment program for women is aimed at giving them a sustainable future for the better tomorrow.