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The Independent Observer > Business > Sunlight can be Zambian’s economic catalyst-Germany Minister

Sunlight can be Zambian’s economic catalyst-Germany Minister

Zambia’s sunlight is a major commodity that could help the country as it pursues more avenues of energy generation, Minister of Economic Development of Germany Here Muller has said.

The Minister was sharing his experience of Zambia with Zambian Ambassador to Germany Anthony Mukwita on the side-lines of German President Dr Frank Walter Steinmeier’s Annual Reception of Ambassadors recently in Berlin at The Schloss Bellevue.

Mr Muller said the 365 days of sunshine is something that must add value to the country.

“I also visited a solar plant on the Copperbelt province as well as vising the Mopani Mine Company and most of all a visit to the border to see the refugees, an area in which Zambia is doing well, and we are fully in support,” he said.

The German Federal Government will disburse about US$10 million for boosting clean water for refugees in Zambia in 2019 via UNICEF, water that must benefit tens of thousands of refugees including Zambians that host the refugees fleeing conflict especially from Congo.

An alternative energy project called GETFIT is also being supported by the Bundes government to a tune of 100 million euros this year that shall help narrow the energy gap soon.

Mr Mukwita lightly lamented that while the German Minister’s official plane malfunction was regrettable, it inevitably made Herr Muller stay in Zambia longer than any other African country and spend quality time with President Lungu, a positive for Zambia.

“The relationship we share with Germany is great stretching back over 50 years and Herr Muller’s engagement with President Edgar Lungu and other sections of Zambia only goes to strengthen this relationship further,” he said.

Over the last fifties, Zambia has benefitted to a tune of about US$1billion in various aid cooperation packages agreed upon mutually with the German Federal Government.

This is according to a media statement by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambian Embassy in Germany Kellies Kaunda

CAPTION: German President Dr Frank Walter Stenmeier, with white hair, Foreign Affairs Minister Heiko Maas and Economic Development Minister Gerd Muller. Pictures courtesy of Zambian Mission in Germany.

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