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Struggle to access medicines worries EFP

Economic Front Party says it is regretful that Zambians have continued to struggle to access the much needed health care in the country.

EFP chairperson for health and Nutrition development Jessy Mbewe alleges that new dawn government has completely ignored the challenges being faced by Zambians to access good medical services in government health facilities throughout the country.

Ms Mbewe said that the shortage of essential drugs has become acceptable and the government does not show any sign of commitment to ending this problem that is claiming people’s lives.

“It’s now more common to receive a prescription to buy antibiotics from drug stores because health facilities don’t have them in stock. The few drugs available are family planning pills and anthelmintics. Patients are receiving half course of painkillers and in some cases only enough to last for a day. We can’t talk of surgical, e.g. bandages, gloves, syringes and needles; all these are ever out of stock. Patients undergoing surgery are given a list of surgical to bring on the day of operation,” she said.

Ms Mbewe said this is unacceptable, and as a party will they will not keep quiet and watch Zambians die from curable ailments.

She said Cancer treatment machines at the UTH have been not working for over three months now, a situation which has caused panic among cancer patients.

Ms Mbewe has since challenged the Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo to seriously look into the matter of machines at the CDH in Lusaka as well as shortage of drugs.