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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Street vending is still banned

Street vending is still banned

Ndola City Council has said that street vending is still banned.

NCC Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza said the Statutory Instrument No. 12 of 2018 which banned street vending among other vices is still active.

Ms Mwanza said the Local Authority has noted that some vendors in the city have tongue twisted the Local Government Minister’s instructions to all Councils.

She said after consultation and clarification with the Ministry of Local Government, NCC would like to state an emphasis that street vending is still banned.

Ms Mwanza said following the Ministry of Local Government’s directive censuring Council Police not to use excessive force on street vendors, the Local Authority did conduct a talk with its police officers.

She told members of the public to report any officer who will be found wanting in action such as the personalizing of confiscated goods, trashing of goods instead of submitting them as exhibit to relevant authorities.

“As a council, we have noted the sporadic return of Street Vendors in the Central Business District and therefore we would like to advise the traders to use the various legal trading places that are available in the city,” she said.

Ms Mwanza said the Local Authority will not entertain street vending and will continue to legally enforce the prescribed punishment against the vice.



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