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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Stop issuing mining licenses without chiefs knowledge- N/Western Chiefs

Stop issuing mining licenses without chiefs knowledge- N/Western Chiefs

Chiefs in North western Province have expressed concern with the insurance of mining licenses in the province by the Ministry Of Mines And Mineral Development.

Senior Chief Mujimanzovu, Senior Chief Musele, Senior Chief Kasempa and Chief Mumena said that the Government should stop giving out mining licenses to investors before engaging the traditional leaders who are the owners of the land.

Senior Chief Mujimanzovu, observed that the entire north western province is sitting on the mining license for investors, a situation he described as unfortunate.

The Traditional Leaders have demanded that the system should be stopped with immediate effect because chiefs will have no land for the subjects in future.

“We are the custodians of land and we preserve it for our generations to come in the future therefore we do not want to lose land to foreigners and investors at the expense of our subjects,” Chiefs said.