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The Independent Observer > Headlines > State warns court on Amos Chanda’s witness

State warns court on Amos Chanda’s witness

The State has pleaded with the court to be careful with the weight that it will attach to the evidence that will be given by a witness Mr Musonda Mulenga presented by former State House Press Aide Amos Chanda and his co-accused.

The State said this is because, Musonda Mulenga has been sitting in court whilst other witnesses where testifying.

It was further argued that the court should take note of this especially when it comes to issues of collaborating the evidence.

In this matter Mr Chanda and two others are accused of having insulted Anti Corruption Commission -ACC -Officers who had gone to conduct a search at his property.

During continued defence, lawyers argued that Mr Mulenga has always been asked to remain outside during trial in this matter.

The Defence further argued that apart from Mr Mulenga not having been in court, there is no law that requires a witness to seat outside the court when others are testifying.

In his ruling, Lusaka Magistrate Dominic Makalicha dismissed the application by the State and allowed the witness to testify.

Later the Court warned the parties against intimidating witnesses.

Magistrate Makalicha said both the witnesses and suspects should be respected.

This was after he received a complaint from the witnesses who was on the stand Muonda Mulenga.

The Magistrate said next time there are reports of intimidation they should be brought to his attention so that he can deal with them.