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The Independent Observer > Headlines > State enter nolle in Queen Mukuni’s case

State enter nolle in Queen Mukuni’s case

The State has entered a Nolle Prosequi in a matter in which Wife of Chief Mukuni and four others were accused of abduction with intent to confine.

This came to light when the matter came up for commencement of trial at the Choma Magistrate court in Choma today.

Senior Public Prosecutor Alex Syulikwa told the Court that the Director of Public Prosecutions -DPP- has instructed that the matter be discontinued.

And in response Choma Resident Magistrate Ethel Phiri discharged the accused as the application by the state was within the law.

The five accused persons in this matter were Veronica Mukuni, Javen  Sikoloka, Vincent LIlanda, Ackson Sejani and Finrs Malambo.

In the first count, they were accused of abducting FELUNA HATEMBO and in the second count they were accused of abducting MILTON HATEMBO with intent to cause them to be secretly and wrongfully confined.(ZANIS)