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Sports help in sharpening pupils minds

Maclaren Christian School Director Eunice Mwale has called on parents to encourage physical fitness among their children for better health.

Speaking during the inter-house sports held at Maclaren in Chililabobwe yesterday, Ms Mwale said that it is important for children to engage in sports so that their minds are kept active and productive.

She said that sports is also a good way for kids to have fun as it keeps one’s mind active and alert.


Speaking at the same event, one of the parents Carol Musonda said that sports help lessen non communicable diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Ms Musonda said that as children grow, they need to have active bodies and sports is one way that can help keep active and engaging.

She thanked the school foe organizing the inter-houses for the pupils and encouraged parents to engage their children in active sports always.

And one of the pupils, Mapalo said she was happy to be part of the sports and commended the organizers for engaging them in inter-house competitions.