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The Independent Observer > News > SOS for Gabriel Nyimbili, in need of intestinal perforation surgery

SOS for Gabriel Nyimbili, in need of intestinal perforation surgery

A-six-year old Gabriel Nyimbili who was operated for Typhoid Ileum perforation needs help for his situation is life threatening.

And Anifa Namwila the mother to Gabriel is appealing to the government and other well-wishers to help her son before the wound on him get worse.

Intestinal perforation is a serious complication of typhoid fever following the bacterial invasion and remains a significant surgical problem.

She narrated that Gabriel was admitted to Nchanga North Hospital last year in November where they were referred to Yengwe children hospital in Ndola.

From Ndola there were referred to UTH where he was operated from the damaged intestines.

“He was operated on and was supposed to go for review in January because the fecal matter was directly coming out from the stomach. And were were supposed to get some bags to put on the wound which was later given to us but could not work because the wound has grown.

And at the moment we are just tryiing a piece of cloth on the wound because the fecal matter comes out directly. And the cloth we are tiring on gives him a burning effect”, narrated Gabriel’s Mom.

She said in January they went to Ndola for review because they needed to undergo another surgery to put back the intestines in place but they sent them back citing that the Doctor to work on him was not Around.

“We were told to go back in June but again we were sent back that they would call because they were waiting for some Equipment’s”, She said.

And on June 28, they decide to make a follow up and call the hospital only to be told that they would be called when ready.

So the concern kept growing and they went back to Nchanga North hospital where they were just given bags for him to dispose off waste but they could not even use them because the wound has grown.

After that the family went to social welfare to seek for help but they were told they couldn’t be helped since his papers were in Ndola and that they needed to look at them to help.

The family is seeking for help from people who can help because the wound is growing big and worse and he is struggling from last year to now.

The family resides at 44 Ndungu road in Maiteneke are.

Gabriel was discovered when the UPND candidate for Maiteneke ward walter Chizuma was doing door to door campaign.

Mr Chizuma said at the moment he has no capacity to help Gabriel and his situation need quick attention, it can’t be delayed so he brought the story to the media so that well-wishers can intervene.