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The Independent Observer > Headlines > SOS arrives at hunger stricken Lumezi

SOS arrives at hunger stricken Lumezi

Government has released K4 million for the distribution of relief food to valley areas of Eastern Province that have been hit with a critical hunger situation.

Provincial Minister Makebi Zulu says the funds are intended to cushion the hunger situation in Mambwe, Lumezi, Nyimba and some parts of Petauke districts.

Mr Zulu was speaking in Mambwe yesterday that Government had engaged ADRA and COMACO in the distribution exercise which is scheduled to start immediately.

He however noted that the province may require K20 million to procure and distribute adequate stocks of relief food for the whole province.

“This is based on an assessment that was carried out by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU). A first dispatch of 4000 by 50 kilograms bags of maize has initially been released to Lumezi district which has been severely hit by hunger.

“With the onset of the rainy season, the hunger situation is expected to reduce by February as people will have started yielding from their crop fields.

Last week, some parts of Eastern Province reported a critical hunger situation where people were reported to be surviving on mangoes/ZANIS.


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