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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi Town Clerk impressed with compliance amongst business houses

Solwezi Town Clerk impressed with compliance amongst business houses

Solwezi Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga is impressed with compliance levels amongst business houses in the municipality in relation to payments of business levy.

Mr Luanga who had joined the team of council workers in visiting business houses said compliance levels in terms of payment of Business Levy, Health Inspection and Fire Certificates was very encouraging.

He said the aim of the site visitation of business houses was to check on the level of compliance as regards to payment for Fire Certificates, Health Inspection Certificates and Business Levies.

Mr Lunaga encouraged business houses to ensure that all certificates obtained from the Council are renewed at the appropriate time and displayed in their trading places at all times to avoid any penalties associated with non-compliance.

A team of Solwezi Municipal Council Officers comprising the Town Clerk, Directors, Health Inspectors, Cashiers and Council Police conducted an impromptu tour of shops in Weigh Bridge and Mushitala where a total of six shops were closed for not having renewed the aforementioned certificates

He said during inspections some business houses had not displayed the Certificates against the requirement in accordance with the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019, Public Health Act Cap 295 and the Liquor Licensing Act No. 20 of 2011.

Mr Luanga said the Council staff also seized the opportunity to sensitize the business community on the need to place hand washing water buckets and hand sanitizer dispensers at entry points as a precaution against the Coronavirus.

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