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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi Mayor calls for close collaboration with Kansanshi Mine

Solwezi Mayor calls for close collaboration with Kansanshi Mine

Solwezi Mayor Remmy Kalepa has called for closer collaboration between the Local Authority and Kansanshi Mining to better service delivery to the Solwezi community.

Mr Kalepa said this yesterday during a meeting that was held with officials from Kansanshi Mining.

The meeting was noted that the Mine with its good intentions has been implementing various projects in the district without much engagement with the Council thus the possibility of works being replicated as very little consultation done.

The Mayor applauded the Mine for works being done in the district to supplement the efforts of the Local Authority but still observed the need for the Council and the Mine to work together.

He said the two institutions needs to work together especially in the Corporate Social Responsibility projects so that the community members can appreciate and benefit from all the projects being implemented.

Mr Kalepa also called on the Mine to engage all Companies doing business with it and ensure they are compliant with payment of all business licenses as a requirement by law such as the Fire Certificate, Business Levy as well as Health Certificate which will enable the Local Authority collect revenue to be ploughed back into the communities in form of service provision.

He said that the municipality’s vision is to develop Solwezi from where it currently is in terms of infrastructure development, community skills development, public health and other areas; and to achieve this, there is need for an enhanced working relationship with the Mine and other stakeholders.

And Kansanshi Mining Corporate Affairs Manager Kyansenga Chitoshi said the Mine is keen on being part of the district’s story for development and hence continue partnering with the Council in servicing the Solwezi community.

Ms  Chitoshi said the Mine is committed to providing more services to community members such as building of play parks and drilling 12 boreholes in locations to be identified by community members through their elected local leaders.