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Solwezi Hospital probes corridor baby delivery

SOLWEZI General Hospital management has instituted investigations into an incident in which a 17-year-old woman delivered a baby in the corridor of the health facility before being attended to by medical personnel.

Hospital senior medical superintendent Namwaka Mukunyangela said in an interview yesterday that the incident is regrettable.

Dr Mukunyangela said preliminary investigations indicate that the patient identified as Beatrice Sinandu went to seek medical attention at the hospital when her labour was in advanced stage.

“She probably started labouring from where she was. Unfortunately she was still walking to make her way into the labour ward when she delivered in the corridor, but of course the case is still being investigated.

“However, from the preliminary investigations, what we have come to gather is that the patient came in what we call second stage of labour, which is almost at the point of delivering and the expulsion of the baby is inevitable,” she said.

Dr Mukunyangela said the patient used the main entrance to the hospital which is not used by expectant mothers heading to the labour ward.