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Solwezi distributes FISP

Solwezi District has commenced the distribution of the Farmer impute support programme (FISP) for the 2021/2022 farming season.

Solwezi Acting District Agriculture Coordinator, Mutinta Chipenzi said her office started the distribution of farming inputs to beneficiaries on October 22, 2021 and it will go on up to 21 November 2021.

She said over 4744 FISP beneficiaries in Solwezi have collected imputes.

Ms Chipenzi also said that Solwezi has a target of 6,400 farmers to benefit on FISP and currently the Ministry of Agriculture is only dealing with Direct Farm Supply and no e-vouchers.

“I am optimistic that Solwezi district will meet its target by the end of November 2021,” she said.

She said her office has drawn up a program for all the 17 farm camps in solwezi with each camp having its own dates for submission of documents and collection of inputs.

And Solwezi District farmer’s union Chairperson Melian Kalala has expressed gratitude toward Government for early and timely distribution of farming imputes for 2021/2022 farming season.

Ms Kalala said in this farming season farmers have not encountered challenges in the receipt of fertilizers and seeds from the Agro-dealers.