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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi Council nods K65.6m budget for 2020

Solwezi Council nods K65.6m budget for 2020

Solwezi Municipal Council has approved a budget of K65, 616, 279.00 million for 2020 civic year.

The 2020 budget reflects a 6.05 percent increase from the K61, 870,087.00 million for 2019.

Solwezi Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga said the 2020 budget would focus on delivering fiscal consolidation through the implementation of ongoing projects and programs directed at delivering services to the public.

Mr Luanga said that 30.4 per cent will be channeled for personal emoluments translating into K19, 978,588 while 45.9 per cent will go towards service provision translating to K30, 119,767.

He said 23.7 per cent will go towards other expenses translating to K15, 517,924

Mr Luanga said the first section of the budget report would focus on the performance of the 2019 budget in terms of income, expenditure and a highlight of the projects that had been done.

He said the second section would look at the 2020 revenue and expenditure estimates and also the proposed capital projects.

“In that vein, the budgeting process included Community participation through Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) not forgetting GIZ which also facilitated the stakeholders meeting at Floriana Lodge,” he said.

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