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Solwezi Council gives to the less privileged

By Joy Sichizya in Solwezi
Solwezi Municipal Council has continued with the spirit of giving during this festive season by donating food hampers to two Orphanages (Luwi Lwa Nzambi and Kilelabalanda Orphanage).

The donation which was worth K10, 000.00 consisted assorted items which include; clothes, shoes and groceries to ten (10) identified vulnerable families.

Each hamper consisted: 2.5Litres of cooking oil, a packet of Kapenta, soya chunks, 2Kg whitespoon Sugar and a 25Kg of mealie meal.

Other goodies were toothpaste, Boom Paste and washing powder as well as clothes.

The beneficiaries of the hampers and clothes who appreciated the gesture by the Local Authority included Mulopwe Yamana 63, Kazhingu Granipher 51, Sante Chomba 37 and Bernard Kazuzu 72, all from Kapijimpanga Ward.

Others were Kashita Dorris 78, Mpese Eshilina 85, and Malopa Muyuta in Kimasala ward while a donation was also done in Sandangombe ward to Evelyn Mangachifi 77, Malady Zhakilina 68, and Jacqulina Malani.

The donation of clothing and other items which was willingly made by Council members of staff and facilitated by the department of Housing and Social Services is meant to lighten the burden of the less privileged in Solwezi district

Solwezi Mayor Nicholas Mukumbi who led Management and other Council in making the donations said the gesture was not because the Local Authority has too much, but a way of showing love to our brothers and sisters who are less privileged thereby counter poverty, hunger and enhance harmony among residents, who are the responsibility of the Local Authority.

Mr Mukumbi said that there is need for concerted efforts to better the future of the orphaned as well as improve the living conditions of some Solwezi residents in dire need.

The Mayor noted that Council is committed to improving the living conditions of everyone in Solwezi district in line the Seventh National Development Plan, Pillar No. 2 which encourages Poverty and Vulnerability Reduction.

Meanwhile, Luwi Lwa Nzambi Orphanage Director Suzen Muhumpu and Kilelabalanda Orphanage Coordinator Allan Kabwita expressed gratitude to Solwezi Municipal Council for the gesture that will go a long way in assisting the disadvantaged at their facilities.