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The Independent Observer > News > Solwezi Council engages bus operators, market leaders on Covid-19 prevention

Solwezi Council engages bus operators, market leaders on Covid-19 prevention

By Joy Sichizya
Solwezi Municipal Council has intensified community awareness on Covid-19 preventive guidelines through stakeholder engagement.

So far, the Council has met bus operators and market leaders to strategize on how compliance to public health guidelines can collectively be promoted to reduce the further spread of the virus in the district.

Bus Operators were drawn from the Main station, Kazomba and Zambezi-Kasempa station while market leaders came from Solwezi Main Market, Kyawama, Kazomba, Messenger, Zambia, Mitech and Mushitala Markets.

The meetings were held in the Council Chamber and in attendance was Solwezi Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga, the District Commissioner Rosemary Kamalonga, Solwezi District Health Director Dr Chipili Lengwe, Director Housing and Social Services Andrew Kalemba, Director of Public Health Ms Wamunyima Mumbali and Staff from the Department of Public Health .

One pertinent matter discussed is that there is need for the Covid-19 to be taken seriously as we are in a public health war where all are frontliners.

An observation was made that most residents in Solwezi have relaxed in adhering to the Covid-19 guidelines thereby contributing to the increase of cases being recorded in the district.

It was therefore emphasized that prevention of the spread of the virus in communities is key in fighting the second wave of the Coronavirus which is more dangerous as compared to the earlier version hence engagement of public leaders.

Both Bus Operators and Market Leaders were urged to ensure that they put the lives of passengers and customers first respectively other than only concentrating on making profits amidst the outbreak of covid-19.

Prominent from the meeting with market leaders is the need for a taskforce to be formed in the markets that will comprise Market Leaders, the Crime Prevention Unit (CPU) and the Council to work together in sensitizing members of the public on the COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Eng Luanga has warned the public and business owners who have relaxed enforcement and implementation of Covid-19 guidelines that they risk being prosecuted in the Fast Truck Court.

Bus operators and Market Leaders on the other hand pledged to work with the Council and the Ministry Of Health in combating the further spread of covid-19 in the district by ensuring that passengers, marketers and their customers adhere to the set public health guidelines such as wearing of face masks.