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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Solwezi Council: Business Community Engaged on strides to Beautify District

Solwezi Council: Business Community Engaged on strides to Beautify District

The Department of Public Health recently held a meeting with proprietors of various business establishments in Solwezi to discuss ways to improve the outlook of their structures and trading surroundings in the Council’s pursuit to attain city status.

Among the fundamental possibilities deliberated on is; painting of business structures, installation of pavers within their business premises and generally cleaning of the surroundings.

Other key issues pertaining to public health were also discussed, encompassing: the importance of appropriate waste management and the active participation by all business houses and residents in the weekly Make Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign, besides the renewal of business licenses.

The underlisted were agreed upon as binding to be followed by all business houses in the district:
✅All business proprietors will be expected to paint their structures by 31st December 2023
✅2024 business licenses renewals will be upon verification and confirmation of painted business establishments
✅Business proprietors can paint their buildings in colour of choice which should however not be too bright with provocative graphic designs
✅All business premises to actively participate in the Make Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign weekly exercise
✅Placement of waste receptacles within business premises is compulsory
✅Placement of pavers within all business premises is a requirement to suppress dust and prevention of mud during the rain season
In ending the meeting, Director Public Health Mr. Felix Buleke called for enhanced collaboration by the business community with the Council in order to attain a Clean, Green and Healthy Solwezi.