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Social awareness programs cardinal- Mayor Kan’gombe

Chingola Mayor Johnson Kan’ombe says that social awareness programs such as world clean up day are cardinal in the community.

Mr Kan’gombe said that they is need to join hands to fully participate in making the environment clean, green and health.

The Mayor said this when he officiated at the world clean up day at Mwaiseni bus station yesterday, he said this is in order for the people and the next generation to enjoy a pollution free community.

He said the Local Authority has embarked on several clean up programs.

Mr Kan’gombe has called on stakeholders to come and take part in waste management programs.

He thanked round table Area one Management and staff who came and joined in the cleaning and donated 10 drums to be mounted in several places.

He said Chingola can not attain it goal as the cleanest town if people in the district don’t participate in cleaning programs.

He said everyone need to contribute efforts in one way or the other.

This years Theme is derived from a song sang specifically for the 2021 world clean up day in order for people to draw inspiration to clean litter and avoid damping of waste especially plastics.