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The Independent Observer > OS > Smuggling of maize, maize bran a National food threat.

Smuggling of maize, maize bran a National food threat.

Zambian Institute of Governance and Civil Liberties Advocacy Platform (ZIGCLAP) has called on Government to categorize the smuggling of maize and maize bran (Gaga) in Eastern province as a national food stability threat.

ZIGCLAP Chief Executive Officer Francis Chipili said the smuggling of maize and maize bran if not immediately stopped has the potential to seriously distort the livestock sector as well as the mealie meal prices.

Mr Chipili said the smuggling of maize bran is already causing livestock feed prices distortions as well as erratic commodity availability.

He said the Zambian Institute of Governance and Civil Liberties Advocacy Platform-ZIGCLAP therefore appeals to government to position adequate security wings and the ZRA anti-smuggling squad to immediately purge the unpatriotic vice.

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