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Solwezi Council integrity committee unveils 3 policy documents

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has implored both public and private institutions to embrace formation of Integrity Committees (ICs) as one of the key strategies under the National Anti- Corruption Policy of 2009 adopted to prevent corruption and maladministration in order to promote integrity in the organizations.

Speaking when officiating at the unveiling of the Solwezi Municipal Council Code of Ethics, Gifts and Benefits Policy as well as the Customer Service Charter, ACC Acting Director General Mr Muchula Silumesi who was represented by the Secretary to the Commission Mr Ivor Mukwanka pointed out that (ICs) are designed to harmonize and coordinate efforts in the fight against corruption in order to significantly reduce the level of corruption in the Country.

Mr Silumesi commended Solwezi Municipal Council (SMC) for launching the three documents which he termed as timely considering the Republican President’s emphasis on fighting corruption in order to improve service delivery.

He said that the new dawn government has recognized that Integrity Committees are effective tools for preventing corruption and other related malpractices hence the need for institutions to establish such Committees.

“Policy documents such as the Code of Ethics outline broad principles of core values and behavioural standards designed to help guide the behavior of employees at work places, I want urge members of staff at the Council to adhere to the outlined provisions of the Gifts and Benefits Policy and the Code of Ethics in order to attain any desired positive change in the institution,” he said.


Mr Silumesi has assured the Council that the ACC will continue working with the Local Authority in developing more strategies to cartel opportunities for corruption and any related malpractices as well as render the necessary technical support to ensure success in the fight against Corruption.

And the Mayor of Solwezi Mr Remmy Kalepa reminded members of staff that they are in public office to serve and benefit the public and not to achieve any personal or private gain hence implored to observe the highest standard of professional ethics at all times.

Solwezi Municipal Council has developed the Code of Ethics, Gifts and Benefits Policy and the Service Charter with the aim of streamlining Anti-corruption mechanisms.

Members of the public are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the functions of the Council and their obligations regarding the services offered by the Council by getting copies of the Customer Service Charter.

In an effort to leave no one behind, the Council is also in the process of translating the Service Charter into widely spoken local languages in Solwezi to ensure everyone fully understands what the Local Authority is about and the services it provides.