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The Independent Observer > News > Small and medium scale enterprise ministry welcome

Small and medium scale enterprise ministry welcome

Dear Editor,
I write to welcome the formation of unanimous parley approval of SME Ministry to advance the welfare of many small and medium enterprises that were on the blink of closure.

It is sun acceptable that as a developing economy, Zambian government could suppress its own SMEs to closure instead of sustaining them to help in job creation that is most sought by majority of our youthful generation.

Firstly, the cost of doing business has been a challenge in that the cost of registration is not only cumbersome but costly too for starters who are supposed to be encouraged to venture into entrepreneurship.

There is also the issue of statutory obligations that these SMEs are supposed to meet through registration to a lot of quasi government institutions for the businesses to compete favourably like NAPSA, ZRA, WORKERS COMPENSATION, NCC etc.

It is either the new ministry through the Minister looks into how best it can streamline the expenses or requirements that most of these big companies giving contracts to SMEs request or reduce on the number of requirements they request from the SMEs.

Wisdom Muyunda