Sinazongwe Town Council has spent K300, 000 to buy equipment for the Kazinze Radio station.
Sinazongwe Mayor Alick Muleya has told The Independent Observer that Sinazongwe council council has constructed a radio station for Sinazongwe community for Maamba community.
Mr Muleya said the people will have access to information once the radio begin to operate thereby making the community to be in tandem with government programs.
He said the Council had also completed seven constituency Developmet Fund (CDF) funded projects in the district.
The Mayor said that a 1X3 classroom block at Mwaalede primary school has been completed at a cost of K230,000, 1X2 classroom blocks at Makkuti community and Siankuku comunity at K200,000 another 1X2 at Namafulo primary schools.

Mr Muleya said the children in the community would access education near to their door steps.
He also said 14 projects in all 14 wards funded by the ward Development fund (WDF) were done including the grading of 105 the kilometres of feeder roads.
One teachers house at Siansalama primary has also been completed by (CDF).