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Sick child given suspected anointing oil, dies

A-two-year – 11 months old child has died after the mother gave her unknown liquid poisonous substance, she claims was given  as anointing oil by a woman of God.

The child died immediately after consuming the poisonous liquid from the mother, who got the same substance from the woman of God,  she meant on the roadside.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peaewell Mweemba said Sara Kabaso 28, the suspect of Chingola’s Mikiloni Township has since been detained by the police to help with investigations.

Mr Mweemba said this occurred on June 14, 2023 at about 20:00 hours at Nchanga North hospital.

He said the suspect was admitted to Nchanga North hospital on June 13, 2023 at about 1400 hours as her child had a fractured leg.

Mr Mweemba said on June 14, 2023 at about 10:00 hours, she was relieved by her aunt to go home in Mikloni   Township  and when she reached Chingola town center main bus station she discovered that she had lost her transport money.

“She decided to go back to the hospital and on her way, at art’s theater, she claimed she met a woman of God  who called her and prayed for her and gave her a bottle of mojo containing liquid substance which she said was anointing oil. She said she was advised to give the substance which was in the bottle to the sick baby when she was alone.

“When she reached the hospital she made sure she was alone and at about 20:00 hours she gave the said anointing water to the baby. Later on when the nurse on duty was making rounds in the ward she smelt something poisonous and it was at this point that the nurse queried the mother to the baby what smelled and she narrated what had transpired. The nurse tried to resuscitate the baby but it passed on,” he said.

He said the empty bottle of mojo which smelled suspected poison was picked from the bath room and was brought to the police together with the mother of the victim and has since been detained for murder.

Mr Mweemba said the body of the victim has been deposited in Nchanga North hospital mortuary awaiting postmodern and toxicological examination.