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The Independent Observer > News > Siavonga Council shuts down 120 businesses

Siavonga Council shuts down 120 businesses

The Siavonga Town Council has shut down 120 business houses among them bars for failing to comply with the provisions of the law that guide their businesses.

Council Public Relations Officer Gwendolyn Mchenga said that the 120 houses which include bars, shops and mobile money booths were closed down in the central business of Kanyelele.

Others were fishing camps, Mitcho, Matinangala and Kaleya were also closed.

Ms Mchenga said that the exercise which stated on April 13, 2021 was to enforce compliance levels.

She said that most shops were closed for operating without licenses such as Health and Fire certificates Contrary to the Local Government Act.

Ms Mchenga said that the operations went successful as more business proprietors had started making their payments to the Council.

She said that the Local Authority is troubled with the levels of lawlessness which have characterized business operations in the district.

Ms Mchenga said that the Council has promised not to sit idle and allow the situation to go unchecked.

The operations were conducted by the Council Police, Revenue collectors, Health and fire Officers which led the Council Treasurer Teddy Banda.