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Sell your produce to the agency-FRA

The food Reserve Agency (FRA) has implored farmers to sell their produce to the agency as it is offering competitive prices.

FRA board chairperson Kelvin Hambwezya said that the agency will make sure that the farmers are paid their monies on time

Mr Hambwezya also has described the first ever flagging off of this year’s crop purchasing program by president Lungu as motivating to the farmers.

“The Maize purchases exercise has picked up across the country and this can be attributed to the support that we are getting from the government, and we also paying the farmers on time, this will help us in reaching our targets,” he said.

Mr Hambwezya thanked president Lungu for the continued support to farmers in far flanged areas.

Mr Hambwezya said urged farmers especially those in far areas to ensure that they sale their crops to the FRA emphasizing that the the agency  will make their money is paid on time.