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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Sacrifice to transform lives of vulnerable learners

Sacrifice to transform lives of vulnerable learners

Technology and Science Minister Hon Felix Mutati says that it is vital for those who can manage to sacrifice what they can in order to help transform the lives of vulnerable learners across the country.

Mr Mutati said learners who are in need have the potential for greatness but it is up to those with the ability to support them by contributing towards their education.

The Minister was speaking at St Ignatius Jesuit College fundraising breakfast to raise monies that would support the needy students.

He also volunteered to be an ambassador of the school to help transform the lives of many learners who are in need.

Mr Mutati who is Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) President said the fundraising breakfast meeting was important as those in attendance were able to deliberate on how each one can contribute to the scholarships.

He said his hope is that at least 10 percent of the students at the school could be on scholarship in order to be able to do great things in life.

The fundraising breakfast was held under the theme “Securing the future through education.”

In attendance at the fundraising breakfast meeting was MDC Deputy Secretary Ambassador Joyce Musenge, NEC members Dr Godfrey Bbalo, Ms Rose Banda, District officials led by the Chairman Mr Lungu and Mr Davies Chintala.

Also present was St Ignatius Jesuit College Board Chairperson Charity Lumpa and school patron Professor Victor Mukonka among others.