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SACCORD calls for transformed political culture

The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has called for a holistic approach in transforming the political culture so that political violence in the country can be arrested.

SACCORD Executive Director Bornface Chembe has described as unfortunate the reported acts of political violence in Kaumbwe ahead of tomorrow’s polls.

Mr Chembe says the attacks against members of the opposition Socialist Party (SP) and Patriotic Front (PF) by alleged ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres in Kaumbwe constituency is regrettable.

He said that these reported acts of political violence come in the wake of a campaign period that has largely been characterized by peace in all other parts of the country where elections are taking place.

“The acts of political violence in Kaumbwe remind us of how deep-rooted political violence has become part of our political culture and the need to deliberately invest in peacebuilding to address this vice. Deliberate peace building measures are required as mere calls by high-ranking political leaders to end political violence and the police to play their role have limitations,” he said.

Mr Cheembe said that acts of scapegoating on who is responsible for political violence have not helped much as the reported acts in Kaumbwe point to the vice being more of a political culture as opposed to it being a preserve of one or two political parties.

“Therefore, misfortunes of political violence reducing the levels of peacefulness in the country can be arrested, we appeal to all political parties and leaders participating in the elections that with only a few hours to go before poll day, they allow peace to characterize the poll day and the post-election period,” he said.