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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Ruthless cadres smash Sean Tembo  

Ruthless cadres smash Sean Tembo  

Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) president Sean Tembo was yesterday attacked by a 12 political cadres from the opposite camp.

The violent cadres emerged from three motor vehicles and attacked Mr Tembo who was leading over a hundred protesters along Cairo.

Acting Police Spokesperson Danny Mwale confirmed receiving a report of aggravated robbery in which Mr Tembo, 39 was attacked by a group of 12 unknown people along Cairo road in Lusaka.

Mr Mwale said PeP leader was hit with unknown object on his head and robbed of a phone worth K17, 000, cash money amounting to K8, 000 and seven bank cards.

He said Mr Tembo had four of his motor vehicles damaged in the process.

Mr Mwale said Mr Tembo had earlier notified the police about his protests slated for 28th November, 2019.

“He could not agree on an alternative date as officers were engaged to other duties on the said day. He chose to disregard Police guidance and went ahead with his protests without police presence. Police came to hear about the disturbance and by the time officers rushed to the scene, suspects had already left,” he said.

Mr Mwala said Police have instituted investigations into the matter and calling upon Mr Tembo and any other persons to assist us with information of people they suspect to have attacked him so that they are brought to answer to the charges.

In the same vein, as much as we do not condone what happened to Mr. Tembo, we appeal to members of the public to learn to heed to Police advice in order to avoid breaching the peace.

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