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Roan, Luanshya constituencies receive CDF

Roan and Luanshya Constituencies have received the 2018 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) K1.6 million for each constituency bringing the total to K3.2 million.

The Luanshya Municipal Council (LMC) confirmed receiving the K3.2 million.

The Council used the previous allocation to purchase computers for secondary schools, construct clinics and improve water reticulation among other projects.

LMC Public Relations Manager Gideon Thole said the Council used a total of K306, 800.00 to procure desktop computers and printers for Roan Antelope, Nkulumashiba, Mpatamatu and Twashuka Secondary schools.

Mr Thole said Kamirenda maternity clinic was successfully constructed and completed at a total cost of K258, 165.60 under the 2017 allocation for Luanshya Constituency.

He said an additional funds of K90, 000.00 has been allocated to allow for the procurement of glass panes, connections to Zesco and for other contingencies at Kamirenda Maternity Clinic.

Mr Thole said infrastructure development projects benefited from Luanshya CDF include the construction of Ndeke Police Post at a cost of K219, 809.20, Water Reticulation at Ndeke Police Post at a cost of K66, 000.

“Misaka Clinic in Baluba area near the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriage highway near completion stage at a cost of K114, 000. 00. Electrification of Baluba primary School at a cost of K120, 000.00, Street lighting K100, 000.00 and Fisenge, Parts of Mikomfwa Township, road leading to Thompson Hospital and parts of the town center areas have benefited from the project.

“In the road sector a total of K100, 000.00 has been used for grading and gravelling of roads in Luanshya Constituency,” he said.

Meanwhile the process facilitating for the 2018 CDF allocation of Luanshya Constituency for Education Support Program (ESP) has started and a total of the K100, 000.00 is expected to be disbursed to orphans and vulnerable children who are beneficiaries of the facility.

Mr Thole said in Roan the target would be the water reticulation project at Mpatamatu Secondary and Mpatamatu Primary School at a costs of K47, 200.00 and K K12, 788.00 respectively.

He said the ESP and Fertilizer Support Program (FSP) in Roan Constituency had gobbled a total of K300, 000.00 after being successfully implemented.


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